Image & Sound Installation: Made in Dublin
Eamonn Doyle、Niall Sweeney、David Donohoe、Kevin Barry
Hachiku-an (Former Kawasaki Residence)
- Open everyday
- Free
Made In Dublin is a spiralling, cinematically constructed, nine-screen work about a city on the move — a city that continually reconstructs itself in parallel sequences of events played out by the movement of people caught up in time and place. And that place is Dublin. With dynamic montage built around the collaborative work of Eamonn Doyle and Niall Sweeney, and featuring a sound composition by David Donohoe that incorporates the words and voice of Kevin Barry, Made In Dublin is a choreography of the city itself — its fabric, body, population and psyche; their combined forces continuously shaping and wearing away at the autonomy of the other. Fragmented, labyrinthine, braced against the light, Made In Dublin reveals a city whose concrete is as shifting as the movement of its inhabitants.
With support from Culture Ireland.
Work caption
Made In Dublin, 2019
Eamonn Doyle, Niall Sweeney, David Donohoe, Kevin Barry
ciné-myriorama, 9 independent video monitors, 2-channel sound, asynchronous loop (image 32 min / sound 40 min)
©︎ Courtesy of the artists
Hachiku-an (Former Kawasaki Residence)
- Address
- 〒604-8205 京都府京都市中京区三条町340Open in Google Maps
- Access
地下鉄烏丸線または東西線「烏丸御池」駅 6番出口から徒歩5分
地下鉄烏丸線「四条」駅または阪急「烏丸」駅 22・24出口から徒歩8分