
13:00 - 13:45

Kakushin Nishihara

Forest Stage

Performer of Satsuma Biwa, a five-stringed Japanese lute. She entered the apprenticeship of Satsuma Biwa master Kinshi Tsuruta at the age of 17. While preserving the essence of the classics, she continues to explore innovative expressions and is active worldwide, with a focus on Europe.

Artist アーティスト

Kakushin Nishihara

Performer of the Tsuruta school of Satsuma Biwa. She became an apprentice of the Satsuma Biwa master Kinshi Tsuruta at the age of 17. and since her first independent performances in 1997, Kakushin has held performances in both Japan and abroad. In 2015, she held the first of her exhibitions at a visual artist, titled “Babaroa Chomolungma”. Since 2016, she has increasingly performed overseas with the band KINTSUGI she formed in France and others.

Main activities:
2004 Participated in compilation CD 'DOCUMENTO' produced by Ryuichi Sakamoto
2012 World premiere of "Harakiri Otome - for biwa and orchestra" (Suntory Hall).
/ Biwa: Tsuruma Nishihara Composed by Akikiko Yamane Conducted by Takeshi Oi Orchestrated by the New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra
2014 Workshop with Joanna Dudley (dancer/performer) at IETM (Melbourne)
2015 Performed for 7 performances in the South of France at the invitation of RadioFrance (Montpellier, Arles, France, etc.)
2016 KINTSUGI (biwa, cello, guitar unit) Tour in Paris and Belgium
/KINTSUGI (Biwa, cello, guitar unit) Theatre Moliere (Set, France)
/ISHVARA in Wiener Festwochen (in Vienna, Austria) as music
2018 KINTSUGI (biwa, cello, guitar unit) 5 performances in France (Grasse, Nanterre, Langone, Brest, Grenoble)
/WARSAW AUTUMN (Autumn in Warsaw), reprise of "Harakiri Maiden - for biwa and orchestra" (orchestral piece, biwa solo) (Poland)
2023 Music contribution to "The Weak Master", a piece for the Theater der Welt 2023 (Frankfurt, Germany).

Web: https://www.kakushin.net/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kakushin.nishihara
Bandcamp: https://kakushinnishihara.bandcamp.com/

Timetable タイムテーブル

Time table Time table

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